Chief complaint- how the patient gives you diagnosis.
Chief complaint- how the patient gives you diagnosis.
Consider medical history- can complicate the treatment.
Intraoral and extraoral examiation
Radiographic examination
Cyst / granuloma / abcess
Clinical test
Heat/cold/EPT- when and how?
Working Length Determination
Files required.
Apex locater- how to include in practice.
Radiographic determination.
Determination of working length- ideal way of calculation.
Files required
Apex locater- how to include in practice
Radiographic determination
Determination of working length- ideal way of calculation
Practical Demonstration
Access opening on mounted tooth
Coronal enlargement using appropriate files .
Working length using radiographic method / RVG SYSTEMS / CONE SHIFT TECHNIQUES.
Module 2
Biomechanical Preparation
Files to be used: K files/ H files
Correct method of filing
Initial techniques- hand filing
Till what size???- criteria of determining the size
Step back technique : most commonly used
Crown down technique : tedious
Hybrid: forms the basis of rotary endodontics
Rotary Endodontics
Necessary evil- how?.
Selecting the right system.
File systems?.
How the tooth determines the type of file to be used.
Reciprocations vs rotations Practical demonstrations.
Initial BMP using hand files.
Sequential use of rotary files.
Continuous irrigation.
Continuous irrigation.
Irrigation Protocol
Selecting the right irrigant.
Sodium hypochlorite/ saline/ chlorohexidine/ EDTA- criteria to use them.
Volume of irrigant.
Modifications of irrigating technique
Module 3
Obturation System
Selection of sealer.
Zinc oxide eugenol based/ resin based/ MTA based.
Basic obturation protocol.
Single cone obturation technique
Obturation of open apex.
Roll cone technique- beginning of the end.
Single step apexification- MTA Plug.
Practical Demonsration
Obturation techniques.
Use of MTA in routine practice
Verify Number