Even though we mimic the western countries in our professional science, one aspect of dentistry which has not caught up with the indian dentists in CONSCIOUS SEDATION. Technically through various terminologies like painless dentistry, sleep dentistry, procedural sedation are utilized to depict various forms of sedation, one aspect of sedation called "NOIS" (i.e) NITROUS OXIDE INHALATION SEDATION has been practised and used by general and speciality dentists to perform minor dental procedures with utmost comfort for the patient.
The unique team was formed with the objective of training our fellow colleague in the filed of "NOIS".
We intend to conduct a two day workshop on the basics and clinical details of practising "NOIS" independently at "INDIAN DENTAL SEDATION ACADEMY".
The Training program will be the one of its kind in india to provide the dentists the utmost experience in the field of "NOIS". So do enroll yourself at the earliest and experience it.
Course Overview
Day 1
Introduction to conscious sedation
Myths and Facts about NIOS
The machine and its safety features
Patient Selection
Anaesthetist perspective of NOIS
Medical Emergencies & its management
Emergency Resuscitation skills for Dental Healthcare
Professionals (TACT Academy)
Day 2
How to operate NOIS
NOIS and its clinical application
Documentations about NIOS
Legal aspects of conscious sedation
Tricks & Trade of NIOS
Behind the Scene
Live case Demonstrations
Personal Interaction
Note: For pedodontist and post graduates in pedodontics
Practical Behaviour Assessment of Child
Pediatric treatment planning protocol on sedation
Videos and cases discussions on pediatric cases under NIOS.
Intravenous sedation-assisted dentistry treatment planning and protocols discussion with the Anaesthetist.
For pediatric dentists who wish to have more observational exposure on Nitrous oxide Inhalational sedation can enroll along with the training program for more practical nuances of sedation will be taught while treating pediatric patients in our private clinic.
Child psychology and behavior management
Importance of primary teeth
Paediatric endodontics and restorations
Rotary endodontics of primary molar and
Obturation techniques
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