- Diagnosis and treatment planning
- Apex locators
- Access opening to obturation
- Radiographic interpretation
- Rotary endodontics
Course Highlights
- The program is designed exclusively for maximum of 10 participants to enable personalized attention & interaction.
- Participants will be taught on Endodontics with Rotary system.
- Apex locator, paediatric endodontics, radiographic interpretation, latest trends in imaging (CBCT), crown prep & Elastomeric Impression techniques.
- Each participant receives an endodontic starter kit worth 3000.
- The lectures are focussed more on clinical practice with recent advances.
- Participants will also enjoy interaction with colleagues that will include case-based discussions.
At the end of course participants will be confident on
- Conducting diagnostic testing using ice, heat and electronic pulp testing methods.
- Identifying cracks and fractures.
- Discern the level of difficulty for your endodontic cases.
- Determine the appropriate treatment plan-all things considered.
- Shape and clean the root canal space using NiTi technology.
- Select and apply appropriate obturation techniques.
Day 1 Lecture
- Rationale of endodontics
- Sterilization and its importance
- Anatomy of root canal & its implications in endodontic treatment
- Diagnosis & various aids used for diagnosis
- Case selection
- Local anesthesia (HOT TOOTH)
- Pulp &periapical pathology
- Emergencies in endodontics& management
- Access cavity preparation-objectives & principles
- Endodontic instruments & instrumentation
- Working length determination
- Shaping and cleaning of root canal system, canal sterilization
- Root canal irrigants&intracanal medicaments
- Obturating materials
- Various obturating techniques
Day 2 Lecture
- Traumatic injuries & management-endodontic treatment for young permanent teeth, pediatricendodontics-treatment of immature apex.
- Endoperio interrelationship, endo-perio lesion & management
- Drugs & chemicals used in endodontics
- Lasers in endodontics
- Procedural errors in endodontics& their management
- Single visit endodontics, current concepts & controversies.
Day 2 Hands on
- Access opening central inccisors pre molar & molars (upper & lower)
- Working length determination
- Apex locators
Day 3 Live Demonstration on Patients
- Access opening
- Working length determination & radiographic interpretation
- Shaping and Cleaning of molar tooth using hand and rotary instruments
- Obturation
Hands – On Exercises
- Shaping and cleaning on extracted teeth using hand & rotary system (Minimum 5 – 10 tooth)
- Obturation techniques.
Day 3 lecture
- Post endodontic pain & its management (Flare-up)
- Medications
- Recent advances and case discussions
- Difficulties encountered during RCT (Participants Review & Discussion)
- Importance of follow up.
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