To train the candidates for clinical readiness in endodontics and fixed prosthodontics by introducing/ updating their knowledge and skill in newer and advanced endodontic and fixed prosthodontics methods and techniques.
Course Content
Theory and hands-on training from basics to modern endodontics and fixed prosthetic treatments and Clinical cases.
Lectures and Seminars
Lectures and seminars that cover everything from the very basics of endodontics starting from anatomy and morphology of tooth structure to the most advanced techniques of endodontics covering rotary, single visit RCT, and surgical aspects of endodontics , various types of post & core. The course also included cosmetic dental treatments like veneers/laminates,and fixed prosthetic treatment modalities like tooth preparation for crown and bridges, impression techniques, cementation techniques, occlusion evaluation and correction.
Hands on Clinical Endodontics
Clinical Endodontics Demonstrations and Hands on training with clinical co-relation to understand the internal anatomy, root morphology (sectioning of tooth,hand instrumentation, demonstration of. access preparation for anterior and posteriors, identification / locating the canals , glide path preparation, pulp extirpation, different methods of working length establishment, apex locators, use of RVG, negotiating the calcified canals, use of chelating agents, use of intracranial medicaments, different methods of irrigation, selection of instruments for cleaning and shaping , various instrumentation techniques of Cleaning and shaping.
Advanced Endodontics
Advanced Endodontics rotary crown down preparation, rotary instrumentation of narrow canals, use of hybrid technique for cleaning and shaping (BMP), master cone selection, sealer application methods, evaluation of preparation, obturation techniques for single visit RCT, common mistakes (endodontic mishaps) and their management, re-RCT with rotary endodontics, Use of lasers in endodontics. Pedodontics- Apexification and Apexogenesis.
Cosmetic Dentistry
Cosmetic Dentistry Bleaching, internal bleaching, Veneer preparation, temporization, cementation of veneers
Post and Core
Various types of post space preparation and core build up techniques, Impression making for custom made posts.post cementation procedures
Fixed Prosthetics
Crown preparation for single and multiple crowns, impression taking for crown and bridges, different types of cementations and occlusal corrections.
Documents to be submitted
List of instruments required
List of Instruments / Equipments Provided by the Academy
NOTE: Academy will assist the candidates in case they are unable to procure any particular item given in the above list.
Faculty:- Dr.Raghu Narayan, Dr.Ananth Krishna, Dr.Praveen Kumar,
1. Pulp dentin Complex
2. Internal Anatomy and root Apex
3. Pathways of Pulpal infection and Endodontic microbiology
4. Pulp and Periapical pathology
5. Blood and Nerve supply to heads/ Neck
6. Pharmacology of Local Anesthesia and Nerve block in Endodontics
7. Endodontic Pharmacology(Drugs and Chemicals in Endodontics)
Faculty:- Dr.Ajay, Dr.Chaitra, Dr.Jagadeesh, Dr.Shwetha.
1. CBCT in Endodontics
2. Sterilization & Disinfection
3. Isolation in Endodontics
4. Ergonomics of Dentistry
5. Modern Dentistry Clinical Management
Faculty:- Dr.Raghu Narayan, Dr.Praveen Kumar, Dr.Ananth Krishna
1. Diagnosis and treatment Planning
2. Management of Pain in Endodontics
3. Diagnostic aids in Endodontics
4. Endodontic Instruments and Standardization
Faculty:- Dr.Raghu Narayan
1. Access Preparation for individual tooth
2. Working Length Determination
3. Cleaning and Shaping and Instrumentation
4. Irrigation and Clinical methods /Sequence of irrigation
5. Intracanal Medicaments
6. Protaper hand instruments and Instrumentation technique
7. Obturation Techniques
Faculty:-Dr.Anantha Krishna ( MDS, Endodontist, Asst prof in Dept of
Endodontics and conservative dentistry) , Dr.Raghu Narayan, Dr.Lalith
Vivekanand (MDS, periodontist , associate prof in dept of Periodontics, MRADC)
1. Traumatic injuries and Clinical Management
2. Management of Resorption
3. Geriatric Endodontics
4. Procedural Errors and its management
5. Endo-perio lesions and its management
Faculty:- Dr.Raghu Narayan
1. NiTi Alloy and its properties
2. Principles of NiTi Rotary files
3. Rotary Endodontics
4. Rotary Endodontics Multiple System presentation
Faculty:- Dr.Raghu Narayan, Dr.Ananth Krishna
1. Single Visit Endodontics
2. Advanced Obturation techniques
3. Retreatment
4. Surgical Endodontics
5. Magnification in Endodontics(Loupes & DOM)
Faculty:- Dr.Raghu Narayan
1. Access Filling and Core Buildup- sonic fill, duel cureresing, sdr ,
2. Post and Core- threaded metal. Fiber, cast post, direct and indirect
3. Endo Crowns- short crown prepn, bevels, impresson technique, case
selection, cementation
Faculty:-Dr.Vasanth Kumar, Dr.Aatish Shah
1. Principles of Tooth preparation
2. Shade Matching
3. Impression Techniques
4. Temporization
5. Cementation
6. Occlusion
7. Full Mouth Rehabilitation
8. Facebow
Faculty:- Dr.Raghu Narayan and Dr.Aatish Shah
1. Veneers and Laminates
2. Tooth Whitening (Internal / Home Bleach /In-office)
3. Smile design
4. Shade selection
5. Cosmetic contouring
Faculty:- Dr.Sairam .S.R
1. LASERS: Science and Principles
2. Lasers in general dental practice
3. Soft tissue LASERS
Faculty:- Dr.LalithVivekanand
1. Normal Structure and pathophysiology of periodontics
2. Diagnosis and treatment planning-Case Discussion
3. Non surgical Management
4. Endo-Perio Lesions
5. Surgical Management
Faculty:- Dr.LalithVivekanand
1. Recent Advances in Clinical Periodontics
2. Bone Grafts
3. Perio Aesthetics
4. Crown lengthening
5. Lasers in Perio
6. Splinting
Faculty:- Dr.Ananth, Dr.Praveen Kumar, Dr.Arihanth
1. Apexification and Apexogenesis
2. Revascularization
3. Pediatric Endodontics
4. St.Steel crowns
Faculty-: Dr.Raghu narayan, Dr.Aatish, Dr.Sorna
1. Ceramics
2. Impression materials
3. MTA / Biodentin
4. Composites / DBA
Faculty: Dr.Raghu Narayan,
1. Composite veneers – layering with index and freehand modelling
2. Composites Aesthetic restorations – Class-I, Class-II, Class III, Class IV,
Class V
3. Inlay and onlays – preparation , impression and cementation
4. Pink aesthetics with composites
5. Contacts and contours
6. Matrix bands
(NOTE: The Program Schedule given above is based on Average amount of time
and days utilized for previous batches and may marginally vary)
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