Objectives of the course:
- Upon Successful completion of the course,the participants will be able to:Incorporate Implantology in their practice
- Develop a dental implant treatment plan
- Select and Place optimal Implant type on Surgical site
- Manage complications in Implantology
Highlight of the course:
- Six Days Course (Two weekends) Without affecting your busy practice schedules
- Intensive learning,Focussed group discussions and case Presentations
- Opportunity to place implants on Patients
- Training and Guidance for Case Documentations and application for various fellowship Programmes in Implantology and continued monitoring by mentor.
Day 1:
- Rationale and Scope of dental Implants
- Anatomy and Physiology relevant to implants
- Biomaterials and osseointegration
- Criteria for Selection of Implant Size and shape
- Implants Deaigns & VariouS Systems
- Radiographic interpretations and modern radiological technique
- (Treatment case selection,Planning,Principles and clinical illustrations)
Day 2:
- Pre-prosthetic surgery considerations
- Prosthetic components and options for Treatment.
- Biomechanics and occlusal considerations for implant prosthoontics
- Surgical stent preparation and use of CBCT guided stent preparation
- Armamentarium for Implant Surgery how to use Physiodispenser
Hands-on:Each Candidates will place implants on styrofoam jaw models.
Day 3:
- Evaluation of patient,Medical history and investigations
- Infection control and operating room protocols,record keeping
- Anesthesia -LA and GA,Incusion and flap design,suturing
- protocols for Osteomy
Live Surgeries(Two Cases by mentors one Anterior and one posterior implant placement)
Hands-on:Understanding CBCT and Implant planning using CBCT software,Stent Preparation and Implant placement by participants in patients.
Day 4:
- Types of Impression Procedure
- Live Demo of Stage 2 Surgery
- Live Demo of Various Impression techniques
- Clinical lab procedures
- Provitionalisation and cementation
- Prosthetic options for complete denture patients
- Hybrid dentures
Day 5:
- Rehabilitation of complete edentulous patient by implant overdentures
- Planning and surgical procedure for implant supported overdentures
- Hands-on on models for overdentures(ball and socket,bar attachment and locators)
- Lab Procedures and clinical prosthetic procedures for overdentures
Demo Cum Hands-ON :Various impression techniques for overdentures and aatcahments hands-on models
Day 6 :
- How to do follow up and keep the record of implant patients.
- Complications of Implant surgery and Prosthesis
- Use of allogenic and autogenous bone grafts during and after implant placement
- soft tissue procedures free gingival graft,fat graft and various use of PRF in Implants.
- .Participants can bring their own cases with prior discussion and case presentations by participants on ppt.Each participant will place 1 implants on patient.
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