Upon Successful completion of the course,the participants will be able to:Incorporate Implantology in their practice
Develop a dental implant treatment plan
Select and Place optimal Implant type on Surgical site
Manage complications in Implantology
Highlight of the course:
Six Days Course (Two weekends) Without affecting your busy practice schedules
Intensive learning,Focussed group discussions and case Presentations
Opportunity to place implants on Patients
Training and Guidance for Case Documentations and application for various fellowship Programmes in Implantology and continued monitoring by mentor.
Day 1:
Rationale and Scope of dental Implants
Anatomy and Physiology relevant to implants
Biomaterials and osseointegration
Criteria for Selection of Implant Size and shape
Implants Deaigns & VariouS Systems
Radiographic interpretations and modern radiological technique
(Treatment case selection,Planning,Principles and clinical illustrations)
Day 2:
Pre-prosthetic surgery considerations
Prosthetic components and options for Treatment.
Biomechanics and occlusal considerations for implant prosthoontics
Surgical stent preparation and use of CBCT guided stent preparation
Armamentarium for Implant Surgery how to use Physiodispenser
Hands-on:Each Candidates will place implants on styrofoam jaw models.
Day 3:
Evaluation of patient,Medical history and investigations
Infection control and operating room protocols,record keeping
Anesthesia -LA and GA,Incusion and flap design,suturing
protocols for Osteomy
Live Surgeries(Two Cases by mentors one Anterior and one posterior implant placement)
Hands-on:Understanding CBCT and Implant planning using CBCT software,Stent Preparation and Implant placement by participants in patients.
Day 4:
Types of Impression Procedure
Live Demo of Stage 2 Surgery
Live Demo of Various Impression techniques
Clinical lab procedures
Provitionalisation and cementation
Prosthetic options for complete denture patients
Hybrid dentures
Day 5:
Rehabilitation of complete edentulous patient by implant overdentures
Planning and surgical procedure for implant supported overdentures
Hands-on on models for overdentures(ball and socket,bar attachment and locators)
Lab Procedures and clinical prosthetic procedures for overdentures
Demo Cum Hands-ON :Various impression techniques for overdentures and aatcahments hands-on models
Day 6 :
How to do follow up and keep the record of implant patients.
Complications of Implant surgery and Prosthesis
Use of allogenic and autogenous bone grafts during and after implant placement
soft tissue procedures free gingival graft,fat graft and various use of PRF in Implants.
.Participants can bring their own cases with prior discussion and case presentations by participants on ppt.Each participant will place 1 implants on patient.
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